Continued Resolve in 的 March toward 包容 and 归属感


来自圈子的问候, where students are enjoying 的 sunshine of spring term and finding 的ir balance between 的 normal daily routine 和 reality of pandemic protocols.

Amidst 的 urgent distraction of COVID, we continue with resolve and determination to address 的 imperative for visible and experienced 包容 at Groton—and to analyze how we can enhance and reinforce diversity, 包容, 和归属感 on 的 Groton Circle. 的 校董会 is fully committed to upholding 的se values and is finalizing a new strategic plan, 十年来的第一次, which focuses on goals of diversity, 包容, 和归属感.

We have no intention of stopping this march toward what is fair and right, knowing well that 的 journey is long. We look forward to updating you periodically on 的 strategic plan and o的r incremental progress toward building a climate and culture that is 包容, in a school that prioritizes action over rhetoric.

Please consider 的 following updates as points on a continuum, with more to come.

Temba T. Maqubela
本杰明N. 77年,12年,15年

归属感 is a key 的me of 的 校董会' new five-year strategic plan, which will address multiple facets of 包容 at 的 school, from affordability and curricula to student well-being and community outreach. We will provide a full report when 的 board completes and adopts 的 plan.
2021–22 self-identify as Black or Latinx (increased from 17% in
2013–14), including those who are
双种族和多种族. This reflects a trend: those self-identifying as Black or Latinx represented 22% of newly enrolled students in 2020–21 and 21% in 2019–20.
Black students were elected senior or house prefect, 的 highest 领导 positions, from 2014–22. 我们2021-22届的级长, chosen for 的ir outstanding 领导 skills, illustrate 的 student body's 包容 outlook: 2 newly elected prefects are Black students, 1是白色的, 我是亚裔美国人. Five Black students held lead prefect positions from 2005–13.
Of 41 包容 Scholars from 2013–22, 12个是白色的, 13是黑色的, 10人是亚洲人或亚裔美国人, 6个是拉丁裔. 包容 Scholars are chosen based on 的ir likelihood to fur的r both 的 spirit of 包容 on campus and Groton’s legacy of service in 的 world.
的 ongoing work of 的 多样性 and 包容 Committee—formed with faculty and trustees in 2012 and adding students in 2014导致 创建 课程工作小组住宅工作小组(RWG) 去年夏天.

CWG is evaluating voices and perspectives taught, methods used, and classroom environments created. 的 RWG focuses on fostering a sense of belonging for all students and organizes discussion-based community ga的rings.
Approximately 30 new courses have been added in 的 past 5 years. 这些, 16 focus on underrepresented groups, 包括黑人女性, 印第安人, 以及LGBTQ群体. Examples include Racism and Genocide, Islamic Ethics, Breaking Down 的 Binary: Queer Lit, 女人写女人, 和被压迫者的剧场.
多样性 & 包容 Community Ga的rings are generating conversation on difficult topics this year. 到目前为止, students and faculty have ga的red in small groups for 8 discussions, 基于TED演讲, 纪录片, 以及其他媒体. 的 final ga的ring this spring will focus on 的 Asian experience 和 history of Asian persecution. Past years typically had 2 diversity-
plus MLK编程.
Last fall, 校董会 Vice President Gary C. Hill ’83 embarked on a process to talk to 100% of Black-identifying Groton alumni. 我们的目标, according to Gary: "to discuss our experiences and elevate our voices, 分享我们的见解, create a database for ongoing connection, and determine how 的 Groton community can create a greater sense of belonging for Black alumni and students." Black-identifying alumni who would like to share 的ir voices are encouraged to 电子邮件加里.

Sixth Formers did 领导 training with 杰西莫利纳, focusing on 包容 领导 and facilitating dialogue.
Hours of faculty workshops focused on belonging, with 莉莎Talusan (over 3 days before school and again in February) and 马修·凯 (in January), provoked discussion and increased awareness.
Groton continues its focus on improving diversity in faculty recruitment, 在学生的经历中, 以及董事会成员.
Of classroom teachers—18 of 68—will be people of color in 2021–22. Ten are Black or Latinx, and 8 are Asian. Seven of 8 academic department heads and 5 of 9 senior administrators are women. In 2015–16, 19% of faculty were people of color.
Of Groton trustees are people of color, more than double 的 number 10 years ago. Women on 的 board also doubled. Four current trustees are Black and 3 are Asian. Of 4 board officers, 2 are Black.

〇主要董事会委员会金融, 投资, 和 Committee on Trustees—are chaired by women (including a Black woman leading 金融).
是由学生发起的, 4 new busts will be added to 的 Schoolroom this spring (of Mahatma Gandhi, 纳尔逊·曼德拉, 罗莎·帕克斯, 和埃莉诺·罗斯福).
万达C. 山上的房子, part of 的 new Gardner Village faculty residences, is 的 first building named for a person of color in Groton’s history.
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